Friday, November 13, 2009

The Art of Rationalization -- ¡Qué mandón eres tú!

or Telenovelas teach you how to boss people around...

Have you ever noticed how much time they spend telling people what to do on telenovelas? If you enjoy pushing people around, why not learn how to be bossy (mandón, mandona) in Spanish?

¡Lárgate! Get out of here! Leave!
¡Lárgate de mi casa, infeliz!

¡No te vayas! (Opposite of above) Don't leave!
¡No te vayas! ¡Eres el amor de mi vida!

¡Ven aca! Come here!

¡Ten cuidado! Take care; be careful.
This is one of the friendlier mandátos, often said to children or to friends upon parting.

¡Cuídate mucho! Take good care of yourself!
Similar to above but more affectionate. People use this in letters too.

¡Hazlo ya! Do it now! Stop procrastinating :)

¡Hazme caso! Listen to me! Take my advice!

¡Dime la verdad! Tell me the truth!

¡Cállate! Be quiet! Shut up!
I think callarse in Spanish is less harsh than shut up in English. What do you guys think?

¡Dame un abrazo! Give me a hug!

¡Suéltame! Let me go! Or if you are a fan of the old-fashioned melodrama-- Unhand me!

¡No me toques! Don't touch me!

¡No te preocupes! Don't worry!

¡No te enojes! Don't get mad!

¡No te pongas así! Don't be like that! (Often used interchangeably with no te enojes)

¡No te pongas en ese plan! Don't act like that! (Very similar to above)

¡Olvídalo! Forget it!

¡Ayúdame! Help me!

¡Anímate! Cheer up!

Note: All of these are in the second person singular (tú) form. Some are positive, some negative; some are regular, others irregular. The great thing is that they are such high-frequency expressions that you can learn them without worrying too much about the grammatical rules governing them. And that has always been my favorite way to learn!

Next time: ¡Hablemos de groserías¡ Let's talk about rude words!

1 comment:

  1. Those commands really say it all don't they? So very typical of the telenovelas that I've seen. One minute its a juicy kiss and the next minute its a big fat bofetada!
    Pero Joyce, no me parece que seas mandona.
